Current release
v12.23.5 - 210519
- Significant performance improvement for SOI, 2OI, and 3OI inversions.
- Fix for Manual Cleaners crashing on empty VLines.
- Fix for ISS not allowing query on range of depths.
- New Soil Misfit metric. This can be configured in the Site dialog as shown in the “Soil” group on the right side.
- The soil model can be set using the Model times mask and the Decay Rate such that:
SoilModel = 1 / ModelTimes – 1 / (t + DecayRate)
- The Anomaly times mask must define a time gate of the same length as the Model times mask. The selected Anomaly times can be shifted w.r.t the Model times mask if necessary.
- The Scale times mask defines a time gate range to use for scaling the soil to the anomaly in preparation for the misfit calculation.
The Polariz scaling is the scale factor to be applied to the anomaly.
Configuration of soil misfit metric via the Site dialog. - In the ISS tab, the new Soil mf metric will appear in the Qry function. An example is shown below, where models will be unselected if the Soil misfit is less than 1.1 and the Depth is below 50 cm.
Note that in this particular example, there are no models that fall within this criteria (all greyed out). They are either not deep enough or they have already been failed.
ISS configuration. -
The Soil mf also shows on the Metrics Navigator view:
Metrics navigator view.
- The soil model can be set using the Model times mask and the Decay Rate such that:
v12.23.3 - 210511
- Fix for format of WKT export of site polys that includes additional columns for metadata.
- Fix for upgrade to 12.22.18, to catch data conversion errors caused by null fields.
v12.23.2 - 210511
- New auto-labelling of gaps using a counter and timestamp.
- New database field for site polygons, to store the computer name of the machine that generated/created a gap.
- Export of Site Polys (including gaps) in WKT format now has additional columns to hold the Name, Type, SubType, Comment, etc.
- Fix for grid cache not checking for user changes to grid spacing resolution.
- Fix for Detrend where threads were not being efficiently monitored for completion.
- Fix for survey MQO coverage showing 100% when small gaps were still present.
- Adjustments to gridding to ensure profiles match grid height closely for the auto-target picking function.
- For LPBR picker, set data points to zero where filtering artifacts occur.
v12.23.1 - 210504
- Fix for Spike Removal option in Interp Cleaner not always removing smaller spikes.
- Fix to allow survey ASCII MQO report to still be generated (or copied) when there are no QC seeds present.
v12.23.0 - 210504
Fix for Interp cleaners not removing small spikes. An example is shown here, where small spikes of 0.04 (3.3 degrees) radians are interpolated over:
Inset of interp cleaner control. -
New option in Interp cleaners called “interp all members when bad data found”. For example, if a spike is found on Pitch, this option will tell BTField to perform the interpolation on Roll and Yaw also, even if there are no spikes at that location on Roll and Yaw.
Interp cleaner control. - MQO calculation for surveys will now retain the user’s gap labels. Therefore instead of deleting all gaps first, BTField will now re-use existing gaps stored in the database, if the same gap boundary is detected again.
- Fix for Start Model and #Candidates defaults being swapped when creating a new inversion configuration.